Thursday, June 23, 2011

Κκ to Ξξ - Colouring Pages

In today's post you can find five more letters to download and collect for your Greek Alphabet Colouring Booklet. From Κκ all the way to Ξξ! Colour the images and learn the new words! These could also be used as your very own coloured alphabet flash cards if printed in smaller size. They also make good images to hang on the wall!

Have fun colouring!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Εε to Ιι - colouring pages

Following up from Αα from Δδ - colouring pages, in today's post you can find the letters Εε to Ιι and funny pictures for your little one to colour!

You can collect all the pages - more letters to follow - and make a colouring booklet for your child. You can take it with you wherever you go and let her learn the letters through colouring! Help your preschooler remember the words by repeating them and asking him to point at them when you read them out loud.

Use this link to download the printables.  Another idea would be to print them out in A5, both sides. You will end up with a smaller booklet, easier to carry even in your little one's bag! :)

Friday, June 17, 2011

My city

Let's play "I love my city!"

This post is inspired by MadebyJoel's Paper City. I love this blog! It is so creative, so simple yet genius. Develop your artistic side and make this beautiful city with your kids and name the buildings and vehicles you make in Greek!

A few names for buildings:
  • ταχυδρομείο - post office
  • βιβλιοθήκη - library
  • σχολείο - school
  • τράπεζα - bank
  • παιδική χαρά -playground
  • νοσοκομείο - hospital
  • φούρνος - bakery 

And a few names  for your vehicles:
  • λεωφορείο - bus
  • αυτοκίνητο - car
  • μηχανή - motorbike
  • ποδήλατο - bicycle
  • φορτηγό - truck
  • ασθενοφόρο - ambulance

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Do you like fruit?

And vegetables too? Now that the summer is here and lots of seasonal fruits and vegetables can be found at the market, it is a great opportunity to teach your kid (and even learn yourself!) the names of fruits and vegetables in Greek.

An easy activity is to visit an open market (more appropriate and fun now in the summer) and go around asking your kid the name of a particular fruit or vegetable in Greek.

At home you could cut up some fruit for your kid and let her name them for you! if she finds the right name, she gets to eat that fruit (or vegetable). A great way to encourage your little one to eat more fruit and vegetables!

Here is a printable with the names and pictures of fruits and vegetables as well as some fun activities for your child.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

One to hang on the wall

Maya and I are setting up a "Greek Corner" where we hang up Maya's work in Greek and all the printables we are interested in seeing over and over again. This letter table (printed out in A3) is one of them).

You can cut individually each word from the "words-table" and practice pinning them onto the picture they relate to.